Peek A Who


Peek A Who


ISBN: 9789888341573

Board book

22 páginas (11 animales)

Medidas 17 cm x 17 cms aprox

This innovative board book features triangle-shaped flaps that reveal dramatic renderings of animal characters. Illustrator and paper artist Mroziewicz offers clues about each subject through the sounds that they make: “Who says woof woof?” As readers open the flap, a long-eared dog with raised paws looks back at them. The paintings feature beaded lines, ornate patterns, and skillful use of space: a peacock spreads its feathers wide, a snake curves across the flaps, while the masklike faces of a wolf and cat fill entire pages. Mroziewicz packs uncommon exuberance, expressiveness, and design into a little triangular package. Ages 3–5.

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