The Adventures of Captain Underpants N° 7 Color Edition

The Adventures of Captain Underpants N° 7 Color Edition

The Adventures of Captain Underpants N° 7 Color Edition


ISBN: 9781338271508

176 páginas


George and Harold thought they were beyond boogers. Their new pet, Sulu
the Bionic Hamster, had defeated the Bionic Booger Boy, and through the
wonders of science, Melvin Sneedly had been brought back to normal
(well, almost normal). It looked like their last adventure was actually going to have a happy ending... except for one thing (well, three
things) -- the Ridiculous Robo-Boogers. Now George, Harold, and their
buddies are on the run -- with the Robo-Boogers in hot, gooey pursuit!
Will the boys get away from these gross globs, or will Sulu have to save
the day again?

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